The concepts entrepreneur spirit and entrepreneur ecosystem in Bulgaria are mentioned a lot but barely in the last few years can be observed the standing out of pronounces examples and good practices. The entrepreneurship is described as an ability and willingness for development, organization and management of a business taking all the risks for gathering profits. The most frequent occurrence for entrepreneurship is the beginning of a new business but that is one of the myths that it is connected only towards to creation of new business or developing an existing one. The entrepreneurship is mostly a way of thinking and behavior connected with identifying opportunities, creating a team, finding resources, taking risks, positive thinking and building something for the future. The entrepreneur spirit can be characterized with innovations and taking risks and it’s an essential part of the ability of a nation to succeed in the eternal changing and strongly competitive market. The entrepreneur’s problems are fully elaborated in two national strategies for encouragement the development of SMEs, The national strategic reference frame of Bulgaria, The national strategy for life-long learning, The national program for reforms 2011—2015, The national program for development Bulgaria 2020, etc. In every program are foreseen number of changes, directions and measures which force the development of entrepreneur’s activity mainly toward young people, women, minority groups and others. Also are observed the problems and treats that are an obstacle for reaching the specified aim as well is marked the way for action toward positive changes.
The economic crisis in Bulgaria affects almost all economic operators and sectors in the country because the market compression had a negative influence over the business and entrepreneurship activity. Together with this the crisis creates also many opportunities which can be used by people with entrepreneur potential but it’s necessary the country to create conditions for raising the entrepreneur’s activity and to support for enterprises that create additional value in economy. The ratification and assistance of current and future entrepreneurs (mostly young people) is a basic mechanism for reviving the Bulgarian economy and put the foundation for after crisis development. The underestimation of innovations and the necessary competencies in entrepreneurs and managers obviously will slow down the Bulgaria’s going out of crisis. Even more, it will be missed the opportunity for laying a stable foundation of the successful and sustainable competitive post crisis development especially because the fact that is not observed the identification of new post crisis entrepreneurs. It’s deeply noticed the lack of a strategy and support for the intelligent future entrepreneurs through the students with a high potential by the economic and technic universities in Bulgaria. Precisely they can be the development engine uniting technical and business skills, abilities for taking risks, avoiding mistakes and drawing lessons from the current crisis.